Guest Product Reviews

So I thought it would be fun to include a page that had reviews from you! If you have a product that you LOVE, please let me know and write a few fun lines about why you love the product.

Here is a review from my lovely Sissy in law Jo-Anne.

Mascara for lower lash

Say Hello To My Little Friend – Clinique Bottom Lash Mascara

Mascara is the next to last bit of make-up I put on my visage.  (The last being lipstick because brushing your teeth with lipstick is a hot mess!) For many years I’ve hated using mascara on my lower lashes.  I just couldn’t do it right and oh too many times I proceeded to stab myself in the eye and ruin my entire face with salty tears. Moreover, I’m not fond of using eyeliner on the bottom of my eye unless I’m crafting a dramatic look for a nighttime event.

Low and behold I discovered Clinique Bottom Lash Mascara on a business trip out West. I was killing time at a beauty store in between business meetings when a darling make-up artist helped me to solve my lifelong battle with the bottom lash!

Using mascara in the traditional manner ether goes three ways – you poke yourself in the eye (If you are me!), get lucky and create high impact and alert eyes, or, three, you turn into televangelist Tammy Faye Bakker and hear clown music. (Google her if you don’t know her and be amazed!)

Of course mascara has been around for decades and there are even products with the lower lash in mind (smaller application brushes) but upon further investigation those little make-up elves at Clinique created a mascara formula that uses a clay base to prevent flakes and jojoba oil to condition those tiny little hairs.  For those who are not chemists this stuff keeps its look in hot and cold weather and your lower lashes will pop all day long!

Philosophers say the eyes are the windows to a person’s soul.  I say Clinique just made those windows even more glamorous and almost effortless! The Clinique Bottom Lash Mascara runs around $10 but will make your eyes look like a million bucks!  Well worth the investment!

1 thought on “Guest Product Reviews

  1. Wow, I thought I was the only one who had this problem, though I do line my lower lid. Thanks for the tip. I’ll get it tomorrow!

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